The Top 3 Worst DDoS Attacks in History

Don’t let a DDoS attack bring your business to a halt! You can guard against devastating attacks and maintain your network performance with the proper protections. Learn how to defend against DDoS attacks and what are the worst ones you need to know about!

What is the objective of DDoS attacks?

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is an attack on a digital system or network to make it inaccessible or severely slow down its performance. The purpose of a DDoS attack is to cause disruption and damage to the targeted system or network. The attacker will typically send large amounts of malicious traffic to the system or network to overwhelm it, thus denying other users access to its resources or services. In some cases, the attack may even be targeted at specific systems or users. The ultimate goal of a DDoS attack is to render the system or network useless to its users and owners.
