Botnets: The Ultimate Cybercriminal Tool

Botnets represent a potent threat to cybersecurity worldwide. From launching large-scale cyber attacks to facilitating criminal activities like data theft and fraud, they are the clandestine tools of choice for cybercriminals. In this article, we delve into the details, exploring their mechanisms, purposes, and the measures taken to combat them.

What are Botnets?

Botnets represent a network of internet-connected devices infected with malicious software, often referred to as “bots” or “zombies.” These devices, which can include computers, servers, smartphones, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, are compromised without the users’ knowledge, allowing remote control by a central command-and-control (C&C) server.


Understanding DNS Spoofing: A Guide for Non-Techies

DNS spoofing is a malicious cyber attack that can redirect users from a legitimate website to a malicious one. It is becoming increasingly common and can be used to steal sensitive information, launch denial of service attacks, or intercept and modify data. As a result, organizations must implement a multi-faceted approach that includes technical and administrative security measures to protect their networks. In this article, we will explain what DNS spoofing is, how it is performed, and how to prevent it.

DNS Spoofing briefly explained

DNS Spoofing, also known as DNS Cache Poisoning, is a type of cyber attack where an attacker exploits a vulnerability in the Domain Name System (DNS) to redirect internet users from legitimate websites to malicious ones. By manipulating the DNS records, an attacker can redirect users to a malicious website that looks legitimate and can dupe unsuspecting victims into providing sensitive information, such as bank details, or downloading malicious software. The attacker can also use DNS spoofing to launch a Denial of Service (DoS) attack, where the attacker floods the target website with fake requests to overload the server and make it unavailable to legitimate users. DNS Cache Poisoning attacks are becoming increasingly common, making it vital for organizations to take steps to protect their networks from this type of attack.


The Top 3 Worst DDoS Attacks in History

Don’t let a DDoS attack bring your business to a halt! You can guard against devastating attacks and maintain your network performance with the proper protections. Learn how to defend against DDoS attacks and what are the worst ones you need to know about!

What is the objective of DDoS attacks?

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is an attack on a digital system or network to make it inaccessible or severely slow down its performance. The purpose of a DDoS attack is to cause disruption and damage to the targeted system or network. The attacker will typically send large amounts of malicious traffic to the system or network to overwhelm it, thus denying other users access to its resources or services. In some cases, the attack may even be targeted at specific systems or users. The ultimate goal of a DDoS attack is to render the system or network useless to its users and owners.


List of common DNS attacks

Hacking DNS servers has become a popular and profitable business for hackers. Through time, they have developed different techniques to reach their criminal objectives. Here you have a list of common DNS attacks you should be aware of.

DNS spoofing

The objective of DNS spoofing is to infect a DNS server and change its address records with those of a bad actor’s site. That site looks and feels like the real one, but it is a fake copy. 

The users are deceived that the traffic is oriented to the right site. When users reach this malicious destination, they are pushed to share sensitive personal or banking information.
