List of common DNS attacks

Hacking DNS servers has become a popular and profitable business for hackers. Through time, they have developed different techniques to reach their criminal objectives. Here you have a list of common DNS attacks you should be aware of.

DNS spoofing

The objective of DNS spoofing is to infect a DNS server and change its address records with those of a bad actor’s site. That site looks and feels like the real one, but it is a fake copy. 

The users are deceived that the traffic is oriented to the right site. When users reach this malicious destination, they are pushed to share sensitive personal or banking information.


Private DNS server – What is it?

What does a Private DNS server mean?

Although most people utilize public DNS services managed by their preferred ISP, anyone can set up their DNS server. Private DNS is a technique that gives the server owner complete control over the IP addresses and network access that are accessible. They are DNS networks that are independent of the Public DNS.

Furthermore, we refer to Private as DNS over TLS (Transport Layer Security) or DNS over HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). While utilizing DoT (DNS over TLS) or DoH (DNS over HTTPS), all DNS queries are encrypted. This makes it far more difficult for shady outside parties to monitor your internet activity. 

Start using Private DNS server with numerous benefits!
